Seb', c'est bien.

No more heroes 2, adults only ?

ESRB, la qualifiant du PEGI américain, a donné son sceau pour no more heroes 2 : évidemment le jeu sera interdit pour les non-adultes, mais il semblerait que cette fois-ci, ce ne sera pas a prendre a la légère :

Are you curious whether No More Heroes 2 will hit Western shores? Well, fret no more, because the American Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has just taken a look at Travis Touchdown’s next adventure.

Any fears that such a release would result in the content being toned down or censored can be put to rest, as all signs point to a ‘hell no.’ Or should that be “f**k no”?

Strong Language, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity and Sexual Themes are some of the content descriptions used by the ESRB, and the explanation for these decisions either point to the Ratings Board over-exaggerating in its prudery, or Grasshopper Manufacture’s latest game is going to be ten times more awesome/lewd/gruesome than the original No More Heroes.

“The depictions of violence in the game are intense, yet somewhat exaggerated... an assassin with a boombox does not recover after his lower torso has been chopped off—after blood shoots from his empty waist like a geyser,” reads the ESRB notice, which also mentions instances of “enemies pulling their own heads off.” Nice.

In addition to the violence being cranked to eleven, there’s a new anime show that Travis can watch called Bizarre Jelly, which features bare-buttocked ladies and sexual references. A stickler for gender equality, the ratings board notes “Breasts and buttocks jiggle, and the camera often lingers (there is no equivalent physics applied to male body parts).”

Round it all up with NPCs jerking off and Travis’ beamsword battery icon taking the form of a penis that shrinks with time, and you have a rather naughty game. Particularly for the idyllic Wii audience - best not buy it for little Jimmy thinking it’s a mock rendition of Star Wars or something. For the rest of us, this is good confirmation that No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle will hit American stores at some point next year. Now let's cross our fingers for a European version...

Les anglophones auront vite compris : le jeu sera a peu près 10x plus terrible, libertin et explosif que le premier No more heroes ! En plus de l'habituel langage grossier (c'est courant chez Travis :p) et de la violence (qui semble décuplée dans cet opus) se rajoutent en plus différents thèmes sexuelles, avec des scènes de nudité (Sylvia et Shinobu, quelles coquines celles la :clown: !) voir carrément des scènes érotiques (Travis pourra acheter une cassette nommé Bizarre Jelly, par contre j'ai pas compris le contenu de la cassette...), et comme certains le soupçonnaient lors des vidéos, la barre d'énergie du beam-katana est bien... un pénis-cartoon qui devient de plus en plus petit lorsqu'on utilise le beam-katana, et bien sur Travis le recharge comme dans No more heroes 1, mais la je vous épargne les détails... Bref, il semblerait que No more heroes sera bien plus mature que son grand frère, la, les gens qui souhaitent des jeux matures sur Wii seront, je pense, servis :D ! Cachez vos enfants et petits frères, No more heroes 2 arrive et il va faire très mal !