Nintendo Wii

Mercenaries sur Wii or not ?

Par potard - Le 17/04/2008 à 19:01
Prévu pour Septembre sur next-gen, PC et PS2 avec le 2ème épisode nommé L'enfer des Favelas, la licence très explosive Mercenaries du studio Pandemic pourrait peut-être faire l'objet d'un épisode exclu à la Wii. C'est le souhait de Cameron Brown, directeur artistique de Mercenaries 2 qui a répondu à une interview du site next-gen biz.

Bon trêve de blabla : "I’m going to refer you to [EA’s public relations] on that one. I honestly don’t know what I can talk about and what I can’t. I personally would love to make a Wii version of Mercs. I think we’ve had a lot of discussions internally about how we would do that and how we would use the controls. I would love to make something that was really unique to the platform that uses the universe of Mercs in a way that was unique to the Wii. I think you could take that kind of really over-the-top explosive attitude and do some pretty interesting things with the controls. Yeah, I will neither confirm nor deny anything about developing Mercs for the Wii but I think it would be cool."